Multi-User Virtual Reality (VR) Environment for Automobile Showroom

Deliver a fully interactive experience, enhance customer engagement, and redefine the future of car retailing! 

Multi-user VR environment gives customers (more than one) the ability to literally walk through car models at full scale and experience its value like never before. Customers as a team (using individual head gear) can interact with the car and make informed decisions through collaboration. They can fiddle around with the car and even take the automobile for a test drive and experience its ease of use. Virtual Reality experience provides the real thing; a way of guaranteeing your customer about the truth of your product’s features.

From google cardboard to oculus rift, there are a variety of virtual reality devices out there and each of them provides a window of opportunity to serve as a brand experiencing and awareness tool.

The above images depict an example scenario of two customers exploring the vehicle in a 3D 360-degree video environment with interactions (switching on/off headlights) using a combination of HTC Vive and Oculus Rift (VR headsets).

ImmersiveGaze, a leading service provider of virtual reality app development services, keep tabs on the fast-paced world of tech and helps consumers promote their products leveraging up-to-date technology and latest developments. Looking for the right experiential marketing strategy? Why wait? Sales promotion strategies embracing VR speak for themselves and lay a foundation for brand recall and awareness.

To implement personalized shared experiences, user‐triggered engagements, and more… use Virtual Reality in your sales promotion strategies by getting in touch with us at

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