HoloLens App development and its unbelievable potential!
HoloLens is the latest digital phenomena that scans and maps the physical environment the wearer is in, and renders holograms and images that can be interacted with by human gestures. It is delivered through a head-mounted wearable display and can provide mind-blowing experiences that combines the best of both the physical and digital worlds.
The hot-and-happening demands for Mixed Reality app development
Mixed Reality allows for unprecedented access to information. It can be used to transform each and every aspect of your products and services by enhancing visibility and engagement.
Some of the use cases of hologram technology in various domains include:
- As collaborative and constructive learning spaces – HoloLens can used to project the human body in its full size for med students to study anatomy and can also be used by physicians to prepare themselves for complex surgeries
- Television shows - Provide Immersive interactive broadcast experiences by allowing a home viewer to participate as a 3D avatar in television studios.
- Virtual Training in airline industry - 3D model of an aircraft engine can be projected in detail for trainees to walk around, inspect, and interact with.
- Construction Industry – Mixed Reality solutions can be integrated into heavy equipment management and operator training and thereby reduce the cost, time, and hazard levels involved.
- Museum Environments – It can be used to bring Museum exhibits to life and enhance visitors experience.
- Design review process in manufacturing - MR allows great freedom and competence in how prototypes are created or changed and increases collaboration between design and product development teams.
Apart from the above, the use-cases for this technology to create unbelievably realistic experiences are endless in the arena of sports, music, art, fashion, interior design, retail, real estate etc.

Hololens App development Services we offer
Immersive Gaze provides highly customized and future-proof apps and solutions to support next-generation interaction and drive customer engagement. Our team of most talented and creative Mixed Reality developers help to accelerate development of applications targeting Microsoft HoloLens. They have the right combination of technical fortitude and experience to successfully design, prototype and develop the interactions and artifacts that highlight the world of Mixed Reality.