Future shopping with Immersive Technologies

Shopify aims to bring augmented reality stores

Sellers across a number of industries have integrated Augmented Reality technology into the in-store experience. It’s a brilliant move, particularly considering 61% of customers prefer stores that offer AR experiences — and 40% of them would pay more for your item in the event that they have the opportunity to experience it through AR.

Bringing Products to Virtual Life in Front of You

Augmented Reality brings offline experience to the web. Our Immersive Gaze team with Shopify to make a robust storefront and an augmented reality app that lets users view products in dazzling 3D.

Many factors can contribute to a customer’s purchasing choice. However, there are three main thrusts of buyer uncertainty in online shopping that can be resolved beautifully and seamlessly with augmented reality.

  • Create an Engaging Buying Experience
  • Modify or Customize Selections
  • Visualize or Understand Products and Features

E-Commerce platform Shopify on using virtual and augmented reality services to enhance the online shopping experience

Augmented reality is encouraging sellers to spend more time visualizing and configuring products in the real world, and they are no longer left with doubts about their online purchases. Check out here the Future of Retail with Augmented Reality

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