Augmented Reality for Architects

Augmented Reality is named to become one of the tech business’ greatest upheavals in the coming years. It’s presently got a powerful association with video games, however, will augmented reality’s biggest success exist industries like architecture and construction? Benefits of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Architecture and Construction The capability to superimpose building outlines and […]

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Use of Augmented Reality in Education

Using AR in Education and Training In near future, the use of simple augmented reality in education will be widespread. Augmented reality in education can serve a number of purposes. It helps students easily acquire, process, and remember information. Additionally, AR makes learning itself more engaging and fun. Augmented Reality for Education: Why? Provides rich contextual […]

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How Augmented Reality Will Impact Businesses in 2018

Augmented Reality is a big thing nowadays. Many businesses support augmented technology. This is the reason AR has a high potential for your business growth. Augmented technology has been successfully using in different business spaces, including gaming, traveling, media, healthcare, education, and entertainment. Future of marketing Augmented Reality is perceived as an innovative way to […]

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How Augmented Reality could change the Future of Surgery

Thinking AR/VR helps only for surgeries? Then you are partially right. The scope of VR is much beyond that. It helps to treat mental disorders like PTSD to a significant extent which is quite challenging for the medical world. The future is here. Immersive Technology - An excellent ‘test drive’ for all healthcare procedures. Here […]

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Augmented Reality Ads on Facebook is Official

Facebook is giving promoters better approaches to show off their items, incorporating with Augmented Reality. At its F8 developers gathering recently, Facebook declared that it was working with organizations to utilize AR to show off products in Messenger. Presently similar experience will start appearing in the News Feed, with a select group of publicists trying […]

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Augmented Reality in Manufacturing

Are you looking for flexible and cost-effective methods to manage the ever-growing demands of your manufacturing industry? Are you also looking for operational excellence and reduction in downtime? Your search ends here. The way forward is to “Discover the power of providing information where it is required”. Until recently, it was difficult to imagine technology […]

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