Augmented Reality for Architects

Augmented Reality is named to become one of the tech business’ greatest upheavals in the coming years. It’s presently got a powerful association with video games, however, will augmented reality’s biggest success exist industries like architecture and construction? Benefits of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Architecture and Construction The capability to superimpose building outlines and […]

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How is Virtual Reality shaping the future of Healthcare?

New technology is impacting every industry and Healthcare is no exception. “VR is a computer generated, immersive and three-dimensional environment that is displayed either on a computer screen or through special stereoscopic displays, such as the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift etc.” Help train the next generation of physicians VR is a cost-effective and engaging method […]

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How AR/VR/MR can transform the Aerospace Industry?

Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to transform aviation/aerospace industry by creating new mixed reality worlds that serve as a medium for gaining work-related skills. Augmented Reality for Aircraft Maintenance Aviation maintenance facilities for general, commercial, and governmental organizations operate, inspect, and maintain complex aircraft structures and systems with many highly interrelated components. An AR […]

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Augmented/ Virtual Reality to train Engineering Students

What if you could interact with your CAD model? Immersive Gaze – a brand of diacriTech Technologies is innovating new solutions for the educational segment. Our 18 + rich experience in digital media publishing is taking us to the next level of content development using Augmented/Virtual and Mixed Reality. Interactive Technologies – for engineering students […]

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AR, VR, MR are the next big move for the sports industry

Sports fans are now technology enabled with smart handheld devices and gadgets. The audience expects an experience that lets them interact with their favorite team and players. The sports world has now awakened to a world full of technocrat audience, providing them with entertainment needs to be solution based. New approaches and technologies are incorporated […]

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Virtual Reality will shape Hotel Booking in Future

Virtual Reality offers more chances for communication with the content as everything is completely based on a live streaming approach. It is the quintessential helping factor of VR platform. With the help of VR headsets, one can associate with the content and makes way for successful marketing. Focus on new Audiences With the help of […]

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