Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology enriching the real world with digital information and media, such as 3D models and videos, overlaying in real-time the camera view of your smartphone, tablet, PC or connected glasses.
- This technology includes multi-target tracking support and optimizations for detection and tracking, and also power reduction.
- This technology demonstrates various methods of target creation, and video playback including streaming video and audio. It offers real-time target creation from the camera image.
- Markers can also be played using cloud recognition techniques.
How our AR App can be used to Read a Book?
First, the student will scan the actual cover page of the book using his smart device. Since this is a universal app, all the grades for that subject will be rendered on image recognition. The student has to select the corresponding grade. The actual content of the book (all chapters) will be loaded. The student can view the list of chapters and the contents of including animations, slideshows, interactive and audio. The student can also easily navigate within the book simply by scanning required chapter pages.
At Immersive Gaze, we have been developed an Augmented Reality Demo (AR) app specially made for the Educational platform. This app helps to view the complete book by just scanning the cover page with more animations and sounds. We assist to help your businesses deliver Augmented Reality Services to customers.
Special Features of our AR App
- The Cambridge resources have been developed using HTML and Flash. The Digital Learning Object types are of audio, video, slideshows and interactives etc. All these different media resource types will be handled effectively in our AR app.
- The app works both online and offline (after initial installation).
- The application will also enable a workflow that allows automatic propagation of changes made in source content of Cambridge material to the version already downloaded by students.
- When a new version of the app is released in the play store, students receive notification about the latest version and they can either install it or continue with the current version at their own discretion.
Check out here how the future library would work by using AR technology Augmented Reality using in Library.
This app is being developed for Android and iOS mobile operating systems; to be invoked in Smartphones and tablets. The app will be provided on CUP’s hosting server as an appropriate link (to download the app from Google Play Store on the compatible mobile device). Only 1st page of each chapter of the eBook will use image recognition API.
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