How AR/VR impacting the future of Fashion Industry

We wanted to build what we think is the future of retail. Which is not retail, but experience. The augmented reality in fashion comes as an incredible solution for customers and retailers. Both are profited. From the point of view of customers, there is dependably a reasonable opportunity to make a right choice on purchasing a specific material. It helps them trial garments effectively. For retailers, there is an idealistic possibility for an enhanced customer commitment rate.

Best practices of How Retailers utilize 3D Scanned Models and Clothes in VR/AR/MR
  • Physical try-on of cloths is a time-consuming procedure in retail shopping
  • Virtual try-on can help to speed up the process by narrowing down selections
  • Enhancement of user experience through new features
  • The side-by-side comparison of various clothes
  • Simultaneous viewing of outfits from different angles
  • It can also be an interesting feature of digital signage for advertisement and/or attracting crowds Ray-Ban Virtual mirror

The gist of how VR is helping the Fashion Industry:
  • Virtual fashion stores (through software)
  • Virtual humans (3D Avatars) to help with trials
  • Fashion showcasing (runway) in Second Life

Second Life is only the Virtual World where the models and clothes are based upon avatars. When we utilize virtual reality as a component of a live form appear, a 3D picture is anticipated into a true setting, which is a catwalk as a piece of the show.

The customer would visit the store and sit in front of the mirror. The mirror would then utilize the AR app to check the picture of their face. Customers would then observe their face with ten of the brand’s notable looks in less than a moment — without physically wearing any cosmetics.

Retailers are brilliant to embrace this technology: Almost 70% of retailers utilizing augmented reality Services for their promotional activities.

Immersive Gaze specialized in taking consumer engagement to a whole new level through our innovative expertise in AR/VR. Get in touch with to get the high quality augmented and virtual reality services.

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